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Select XML nodes using XPath and a single line of Java code.

XPathAPI offers simple methods to select nodes on XML document trees using XPath expressions. These methods relieve you from writing many lines of repetitive code.

With XPathAPI, many common tasks become simple one liners.

For example, the XPathAPI way to select all the nodes that match the XPath //friend[@status='best'] is:

List<Node> bestFriends = XPathAPI.selectListOfNodes(doc, "//friend[@status='best']");

That single line is equivalent to the following longer and more complex piece of code.

XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();

XPathExpression xpathExpr = xpath.compile("//friend[@status='best']");

NodeList bestFriendsNL = (NodeList) xpathExpr.evaluate(contextNode, XPathConstants.NODESET);

List<Node> bestFriends = new ArrayList<Node>();
for (int i = 0; i < bestFriendsNL.getLength(); i++) {
	Node node = nodeList.item(i);

Feature highlights

You should use XPathAPI because it…

  • makes code shorter and more readable,
  • provides Java Generics Lists, not only older NodeList objects,
  • has a template mechanism that allow you to get rid of complex and error-prone strings concatenations.


Select all the nodes that match an XPath

The XPathAPI method selectListOfNodes returns a List<Node> with all the nodes that match the passed XPath.

List<Node> bestFriends = XPathAPI.selectListOfNodes(doc, "//friend[@status='best']");

Select a single node

To select a single node from a tree, you can use the selectSingleNode method.

Node me = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, "//person[@id ='" + myID + "']");

Place-holders instead of cumbersome string concatenations

To make code more readable, you can use the template mechanism. Put {} place-holders where you want the supplied arguments to appear.

Node me = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, "//person[@id ='{}']", myID);

Select text content instead of nodes

Often all you interested in is the text contained in an element or in an attribute, not the node itself. In such cases you can get these strings directly.

String myName = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, "//person[@id ='{}']/@firstName", myID);

List<Strings> surnames = XPathAPI.selectNodeListAsStrings(doc, '//person/@surname');

Dealing with namespaces

Normally, the only prefixes usable in an XPath are those visible from the context node. If you want to use other prefixes, you can either define them by hand or provide a namespace node whose namespaces will be those available in the XPath.

To get the <k:d> node from this document

		<c xmlns:k="">

you can use a manual mapping

Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
nsMap.put("k", "");

Node d = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, "//k:d", nsMap);

or you can choose <c> as the namespace node

Node nsNode = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, "/a/b/c");

Node d = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc, "//k:d", nsNode);

The former method is more readable, the latter is more robust.

Runtime and dependencies

XPathAPI requires the presence of a JAXP-compliant XPath processor. Any JRE starting from J2SE 5.0 contains all the required libraries. This means that XPathAPI works out of the box on all recent Java installations without any additional library.

XPathAPI will also work fine (or better) if you use Saxon or Xerces.


You can install XPathAPI adding it to your Maven dependencies:


Alternatively, you can download the XPathAPI JAR and add it to your Java classpath.

Maven Central ( has also instructions on how to install XPathAPI using Buildr, Ivy or Groovy.


The API documentation in JavaDoc format is available at

The documentation covers 100% of the public methods.


The original core of XPathAPI has been inspired by Apache's XPathAPI.


This is free software released into the public domain (CC0 license).

See the COPYING file or for more details.


Select XML nodes using XPath and a single line of Java code







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